Sunday, February 14, 2010
Food Justice Meetings
Food Glorious Food

Food, Glorious Food, takes a unique look at the use of food in art. Subjects of food have existed in the works of painters for thousands of years. In the early paintings on the walls of caves, the prehistoric artist showed the hunt and the feast that followed. The old master painter Rembrandt frequently used meat and carcasses in his oil paintings; and today contemporary painter Mark Ryden paints the marbled glaze of steaks and roasts in his conceptual surrealist work. By using imagery of food in a composition artists have altered the way food is seen and understood. The most obvious example was the way Andy Warhol's Campbell Soup paintings changed the way American's shopped, juxtaposing the brand name with a nationalistic and popular ideology.
In the 21st century, food is more of an issue than ever. The last decade was full of fad diets and fast food promotions. On the other hand, some people became more aware of the value of organic foods versus chemically and genetically modified foods. Vegetarianism, once seen only as a religious and moral choice, has become synonymous with "hipster" culture. Whatever the perspective, artists still regard food as a worthy subject for conceptual reasons, or the aesthetic beauty of a culinary composition. To each artist the theme of food means something different.
This exhibition will present a spectrum of artists in different mediums all inspired by food. Beverly Shipko, Christine and Deana Camacho, Jessica Emerson and Kristin Goehringer, present food as whimsical or playful subjects that exhibit personable traits. Beverly Shipko’s series of Disappearing Desserts portray moments of transitory pleasures where the theme is about the individual. Each person eats and treats their food differently and enjoying the food becomes the process for artistic inspiration. Kristen Goehringer creates fun compositions that juxtapose high society and commercial photography with lighthearted playfulness. Christine and Deana Camacho create lovable characters out of their foods in their paintings. Jessica Emerson creates a surrealist environment in her sculpture “Sugar Rush,” where the cupcake is chasing a man through a dreamlike landscape, forcing its sweetness upon him. There are artists who use food as political or social protest like Yancey Gutherie Winch whose digitally created piece GMO1 is a comment on corporate corruption in the genetically modified food industry, Alana Integlio’s The United States shows a cut of steak on one canvas juxtaposed with our United States map portrayed also as a cut of steak. A statement that can be interpreted many ways but ultimately is a poignant view of America’s obsession with beef. Similarly, Adam Zucker shows a series of etchings of his "Burger Monster"creature, a unique monster with a halo eating a hamburger; a comic message about the horrors of beef products. Alex Miritello’s photographs are explorations of our daily environments. She is able to see aesthetic compositions in otherwise mundane situation that most of us might just walk past without noticing. Brian Galderisi proposes the idea that the word food is subjective. In his four drawings and collages he includes the word food. While there might not be obvious literal connotations the mind will be tempted to explore the various implicit connections. It is ultimately food for thought. Carissa Baldino focuses on combining the aesthetic aspect of food and the D.I.Y fashion and design scene. Her work is a screen-print composition of oranges on fabric.For individual artist JPEGS and prices please email:
Saturday, February 13, 2010
New Rochelle Invades Wespac
Bands playing are:
Big Stick Policy
Robin Hood
The Red Tree People of the Compost Forest
Chaos Legion
Max Gordon DJ Set!
Gonna be tons of fun with food, dancing and music.
Lets pack Wespac with mad heads from New Rochelle.
Invite tons of people!
Its 6 bucks
Call for artists
If you or someone you know is a visual artist, performer, poet, or musician, contact us by email @!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Report Back from Gaza
Felice Gelmen opened the evening with footage taken by Fida Qishta, Palestinian organizer in Gaza followed by Mike Levinson who was part of the WESPAC delegation to break the siege of Gaza. Next we heard from the two panel speakers of the evening, Dhoruba Bin Wahad and Ali Abunimah.
Dhoruba Bin Wahad is a Veteran Black Panther and 19-year political prisoner in this country. He won his freedom in 1990 after a New York State judge found that the FBI had suppressed evidence that could have helped clear him of his 1971 charge. He recently tried to enter the West Bank to attend a Palestinian conference on political prisoners and was denied entry by Israeli authorities. There are over 11,000 Palestinian political prisoners being held by Israel with hundreds of them under the age of 16.
Ali Abunimah, founder of the Electronic Intifadah, is one of the more than 1,300 international solidarity activists who participated in the historic Gaza Freedom March. He is a writer and commentator on Middle East and Arab-American affairs. His articles have appeared in The New York Times, The Los Angeles Times, The Chicago Tribune, the Financial Times, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Jordan Times, Lebanon's Daily Star and Ha'aretz, among others. He is frequent guest on local, national and international radio and television, including public radio and television, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, the BBC and many others.
Chris Turner was also there selling Palestine Fair Trade items. For more information on these crafts including olive oil soap and decorative embroidery contact him at
For more information on how you can take part in the peace and justice process go to: The Gaza Freedom March. Many of the organization in the activist links section are devoted to the peace process, so please visit them all.
Here is a video clip of WESPAC executive director Nada Khader discussing the conflict between Israel and Palestine:
Video from this event will be available soon.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Folk Fest 4
Old Table
(featuring Alan Alda and his cock ring)
God Tiny
Young Napoleon
Greg Baldwin
EL Gato and the genuses
Acoustic Microphone
Mike Pennacchio
Gi Jason Yankoo and the burning sensations
914: The Westchester Music Scene pt.1
A Pleasantville resident named Tymon made a doc about the Westchester music scene. This is part one of a multi part series on Westchester music
This one Features Noats and Aaron Maine among others
Food Glorious Food

The Wespac Space is an alternative space in Westchester, New York (located at 255 Dr. Martin Luther King BLVD in White Plains). Our mission is to give local and under represented artists (of all mediums and styles!) the chance to show in a gallery. Many suburban artists don't have the resources or connections to make it in the cut throat scene in NYC. Many of the artists in the show are recent graduates of art schools like SUNY Purchase or SVA, and others are self taught. There is also an established artist named Beverly Shipko,who shows with OK Harris. This is the first of many curatorial efforts at this location. We envision local curators being able to submit proposals and work as a collective with me in the near future. So please come on down to the space and see the exhibition which will run until the 14th of February (with a closing reception on the 13th). The opening was intimate because we hadn't gotten the press release out in time. But nonetheless it was an amazing time had by all! You can relive the amazing night through pictures (click on the image to make larger):
(from L to R) Visitors check out the installation. The desserts (Christine Camacho's Conehead, Owl Sundae, Cinnamon Bun, and Cupcake; Beverly Shipko's Oreo in Three Pieces; Jessica Emerson's Sugar Rush). Next we have a red velvet palette cake by Christine Camacho. Alex Miritello's Strawberries, Kristen Goehringer's Untitled and Untitled. Where is the beef you ask? It is in Alana Integlio's United States of America. Next are some photographs: Alex Miritello's Sheep, Tomatoes, Poultry Women, Fish Bones; Anonymous's Nugget Farm USA; and Adam Zucker's Fish Fry. Finally we get to the end of the wall and: Brian Galderisi's Food Series; Adam Zucker's Vegatable Supreme Pizza Pie; Deana Camacho's Divine Sausage; Yancey Guthrie Winch's GMO1; Carissa Baldino's Oranges. The next image is of the middle of the wall and: Adam Zucker's Burger Monsters sitting above Carissa Baldino's Oranges.
Then came the bands at around 8pm. First was the prog-rock indie group 1974 from CT.
Next was the high octane art-punk duo in Easter Vomit from all over NYC. And then came Westchester's punk/dance/funk gods,the Genuine Imitations.
At the end of the night we ate the art!